I know he wasn’t as hot as some were expecting but I actually would like it if he’s still with us
Buddy buckets stays
Vet min? Sure. Otherwise he goes.
I think he is staying.
Would love to keep him for cheap but I don’t think he needs to be a priority. Out of potential returners I think Oubre, Batum, and Lowry/Payne are more essential. Wouldn’t want him to be a guy that gets signed right away unless they can get some other good role players first
Good, if he can convince himself to just blindly pull the trigger when Embiid finds him he’s going to be solid.
Really don’t want him back. Very average to below average player who get’s over hyped because people love shot chuckers.
we just need to stop trading for mid year role players they always disappoint.
I know he wasn’t as hot as some were expecting but I actually would like it if he’s still with us
Buddy buckets stays
Vet min? Sure. Otherwise he goes.
I think he is staying.
Would love to keep him for cheap but I don’t think he needs to be a priority. Out of potential returners I think Oubre, Batum, and Lowry/Payne are more essential. Wouldn’t want him to be a guy that gets signed right away unless they can get some other good role players first
Good, if he can convince himself to just blindly pull the trigger when Embiid finds him he’s going to be solid.
Really don’t want him back. Very average to below average player who get’s over hyped because people love shot chuckers.
we just need to stop trading for mid year role players they always disappoint.