@Dallas Mavericks

Josh Green deserves an highlights against Warriors, so here it is

Josh Green deserves an highlights against Warriors, so here it is

by dirkisgod


  1. If he can play like this consistently, heā€™s worth every penny of his contract and brings another slasher/spot up shooter to go with DJJ and Exum and gives us so much more versatility. I think the ā€œconsistentlyā€ is the biggest ? for him. He canā€™t play like this and then have a 5-7 game stretch of being near unplayable.

  2. He played fantastic – I really hope this wasnā€™t a fluke because this is exactly what we paid for

  3. nice. though that transition dunk was more emphatic

  4. leoselassie

    A lot of those were all on curry. Making the opposing teamā€™s best player work to stop a bench player like that is big time for this current roster.

  5. FarMobile4219

    The most encouraging play: taking Podz off the dribble and finishing at the rim. Josh has looked so hesitant in his ballhandling this year, pretty much any time a defender has solid position in front of him, he just passes out of it. If he can actually start attacking guys off the dribble it will unlock everything for him

  6. YoungBuck2010

    Totally agree. Thatā€™s the type of aggression I want to see out of him as often as possible.

    The biggest advantage he has over DJJ is vision, so if heā€™s able to score off the catch enough to make defenses shift, heā€™s going to be Exum-lite in the half court.

  7. All Josh need is half the confident THJ and Hardy.

  8. Binge_Gaming

    ā€œJosh Green is human – finally misses a threeā€

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