@New Orleans Pelicans

NBA Efficiency Landscape – Last 10 Games Only

by phar0aht


  1. NeilPatrickMarcus

    Man y’all are QUICK lmao, I just saw this!

    Love to see the boys playing well in January, big games coming up in the next few weeks.

  2. 2Basketball2Poorious

    Oh yes, hook it directly to my veins

  3. killerdescore

    If they can keep playing at this level ,with such hard schedule they will become a threat in the west

  4. ToothEducational7795

    Its off-topic but I’ve seen people on Twitter legit think Wembanyama is a better player right now than Zion. What y’all think about that? Is that statement true or these fans are just casuals who didn’t watch Zion play this season except the IST Lakers game?

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