@National Basketball Association

Draymond talks about the ejection on “The Draymond Green Show.” “It just can’t happen. I said what I said, I deserved to be kicked out at that point. Kind of wish I would have turned my body and angled it and gone to the bench, but yeah it just can’t happen.”


“It just can’t happen,” Green said on “The Draymond Green Show” podcast on Thursday. “I said what I said. I deserved to be kicked out at that point. If I’m all the way honest with y’all, kind of was trying to turn my body and angle it to go to the bench, but I said what I said a little too soon before angling my body. … But, yeah, it just can’t happen.”

“I’m not going to overreact, like ‘Oh man!’ Green said on his podcast. “Stuff is never as good as it seems; it’s never as bad as it seems. I know where I am. I understand what I’m doing moving forward. And my position is just make sure that’s the exception and not the rule.”

by Classic-Carpet7609


  1. allknowerofknowing

    Honestly it was so out of character for him, I believe him

  2. mrsunshine1

    Bros ratings were dipping so created some content.

  3. retrohan7

    literally has the self control/discipline of a toddler

  4. braggpeak

    “Stay tuned to see what happens next game!”

  5. syllabic

    more like they never eject me for talking shit so early in the game so I thought I could get away with it

  6. TerribleChef47

    Steph after last night “this offseason we are so trading your ass cause it sure as hell won’t be mine”

  7. RevolutionaryBox7745

    Go away. Retire. Be thrown out of the NBA.

    I don’t care, and I don’t care what you have accomplished.

    Get the fuck out of the NBA.

  8. Ilikesporks_

    he realized he did something wrong so he won’t do it again right???

  9. Moist_Walrus5413

    Him reviewing shit like this on his podcast after the game will never not be hilarious to me

  10. busybee919

    Bro’s acting like Ray Acosta was going after him and he “fell for the bait” when the other ref had already come to pull Acosta away. Draymond was the one who kept yapping

  11. AbbreviationsHot4482

    Dude got ejected and ran straight for the podcast equipment lmfao

  12. WobbleKun

    he basically said that he would’ve gotten away with his ref comment if he faced away from them when he said it lol.

  13. GordonBombay_Esq

    > It just can’t happen.

    Can’t wait for it to happen again in a week.

  14. Sweatytubesock

    “I thought I was immune after the first tech”

  15. Had to do this on the podcast rather than just addressing reporters after the game…

  16. HokageEzio

    Or just don’t call the ref a pussy out loud. Wild thought.

  17. MindlessSafety7307

    “Pussy ass N” towards a ref should honestly warrant a suspension. He is basically saying that what he said is fine, just that he said it “too soon”. The fuck?????? At this point it’s on the Warriors for enabling this type of behavior.

  18. EbenezerAD

    I don’t know how can anyone like this dude, even among warriors fans.

    This guy quite literally quit on Steph last game and the way he shamelessly approached him after the game tells me he didn’t regret shit since he’s gonna do it again regardless.

    I just hope Steph trades his ass in the offseason, he does not deserve this and I don’t even like Steph that much.

  19. silentorange813

    This has nothing to do with the angle of your body going to the bench. lol

  20. pifflord3

    Oh what the fuck ever lmao

    Hopefully he loses his shit and punches Kenny on his first day at Inside The NBA post-retirement, then we’ll never have to hear from him again

  21. szobossz

    draymond hasn’t read the boy who cried wolf or something? it’s clearly isn’t something you have been able to control.

  22. Good_Schedule3744

    Draymond has the worst case of verbal diarrhea in NBA history. The league will cheer when someone smacks the shit out of this clown 🤡

  23. The-Pharcyde

    Dude probably practiced what he as gonna say as soon as he say steph’s reaction lmao

  24. guacamolereckoning

    This guy is a total piece of shit.

  25. We have got to collectively stop giving this man attention. His clips and podcast takes should be banned until he’s no longer playing at this point, the guy just does whatever he wants knowing he can go milk it on his podcast the next day. 

  26. WappyTrees

    These players and their podcasts 🙄
    Some are cool but most are just dudes enjoying themselves talk.

  27. herseyhawkins33

    > it just can’t happen

    Continues to happen

  28. Remarkable_Map_6552

    He’s not even apologizing for what he said. He’s just saying “wish I had my back to him when I said it”.

    How about you just don’t say it? You’re a grown ass man. Have some self control.

  29. Diddleyourfiddle

    For anyone who missed it, there will be a rerun shortly

  30. At this point I seriously think he does all this to just get viewers to watch his Podcast lmao

  31. corrine49

    Only job in the world that gives someone this many chances after being verbally and physically abusive to others.

  32. hippo_king11

    Unbelievable he concludes his mistake was not “angling” his body.

  33. OlTommyBombadil

    Maybe it’s just me but

    I don’t think the suspension helped

    Could be wrong

    Also, why is it so hard for this dude to just say sorry I fucked up without some level of pushback? Nobody gives a single shit about your fucking body’s angle. Christ. You didn’t get kicked out because you didn’t angle your body enough. Sounds so stupid man

  34. Ok_Perception3180

    He has and always will be a dumb motherfucker. Very talented at certain aspects of thr game. But fundamentally, as a man, just a dumb motherfucker.

  35. Electrical-Mule-2057

    Draymond: “My bad. I should have chest-stomped the ref instead.”

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